You are hereExposition Canine Internationale Béziers 2012
Exposition Canine Internationale Béziers 2012
We started the year off right. This time, the expedition was formed by our two future promises Desglaç and Delicia Del Gorg Negre, both winners in their category. In the late afternoon, Desglaç, "Chico" to his friends, among the top 8 of the final BIS Youth. Chicoooo a great start!
Exposition Canine Internationale Béziers 2012
- Desglaç Del Gorg Negre, Exc 1º Young Male Class and Best Young of Bred.
- Delicia Del Gorg Negre, Exc 1ª Young Female Class.
Mme. Paule Riviere (France)
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